Sunday, December 15, 2013

18th December 2013 - 23rd December 2013

Dearest LB & GY,

I know I'm being very emotional and over the last couple of months, I have grown more and more emotionally attached to the children. Is this good or is this bad? Please guide me.

Please guide me and bless me with the right thoughts, right heart and right mind to do what is right and what is best for these kids on the road to ensure that they have a bright future and better lives ahead of them. Thank you.

I pray also for these kids. Please bless them and guide them. Thank you.

And please, I also as always, say a prayer for my family, my loved ones and my friends and all those in need. Please bless them to be safe, sound and healthy and that they all live long and prosperous lives. I pray that they are always happy and everything goes smoothly for them too. I pray also that they always enjoy all of life's greatest moments. Thank you.

One more - LB & GY - for my husband, who starts work with SS today. Please pray that his career path is always smooth sailing for him and that he gets the big break that he's been waiting for.

Thank you.

Thank you for all your blessings and guidance and thank you for hearing my prayers and answering them.


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