Thursday, May 26, 2016

27th May 2016 - 2nd June 2016

Dearest LB & GY,

Sometimes, I find myself losing my balance a bit. And almost feel as if I am doing things for the wrong reasons.

Please guide me back to the path of compassion, guide me to become a better person - kinder, more compassionate, more understanding, more inspiring, one who does good, feel good and think good always. Please guide me and help me gain clarity, wisdom and courage in making the best decisions for all of my endeavours and stay true to myself. Please help me stay focused, be at peace and calm, stay positive and have unwavering faith. Thank You.

I pray as always that my family - both immediate and extended, my loved ones, my Mom, my Dad, my husband, my Grandma, all my friends and all the children are always safe, sound and healthy and that they all live long and prosperous lives. I pray that they are always happy and their journey smooth sailing always. Thank You.

I pray for all those facing something negative - I pray that they find peace and please bless them with tenacity and unwavering faith. Thank You.

I am thankful. I am super, super thankful for all that I have and all that I've been granted. Please guide me to share and love and be kinder to those who need.

Thank You


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

13th May 2016 - 26th May 2016

Dearest LB & GY,

Why am I getting so easily irritated lately? Wow. Please guide me back to the right path. I want to be a better person. I almost feel like I am losing some grip somehow. Please do guide me. Thank You. 

As always, I am thankful. I am utterly, utmostly thankful for all the great opportunities and experiences that you have blessed me with. I cannot say thank you enough and I am grateful for it. Please guide me to share with love and compassion and sincerity. Thank You. 

I pray that my family - both immediate and extended, my Mom, my Dad, my Grandma, my husband, my loved ones, my friends and all the children are always safe, sound and healthy and that they all live long and prosperous lives. I pray that they are always happy and their journey smooth sailing. Thank You. 

I pray for your guidance in helping me become a better person - kinder, more compassionate, more patient, more inspiring, one who thinks good, does good and feels good always. I pray for your guidance in blessing me with wisdom, clarity and strength to make the best and rightest decisions for myself and stay true to myself. I pray for your guidance in helping me stay focused, be at peace and calm, stay positive and have unwavering faith always. Thank You. 

Here, I would like to say a prayer for all those affected by tragedies. Please bless them with tenacity and help them find the light. I pray too for all the old folks out there who still have to struggle for a living. I pray that you guide me to help them. 

Thank You 

Monday, May 2, 2016

4th May 2016 - 12th May 2016

Dearest LB & GY,

I really think something is terribly wrong with me. I seem to take the closest people to me for granted. Now I'm missing my Grandma and I'm recollecting some really harsh words I used in my last trip back. Slap me please. :(

Please don't let me spiral down the dark hole again.

Please guide me.

I want to be a good person and I want to be kind, compassionate, patient and understanding. Please, LB & GY. Please guide me. Thank You.

As always, I say my prayers that my family - both immediate and extended, my loved ones, my Mom, my Dad, my Grandma, my husband, my friends and all the children are always safe, sound and healthy and that they all live long and prosperous lives. I pray that they are always happy and their journey smooth sailing always and filled with much love, joy and happiness. Thank You.

I pray for a speedy recovery for my husband. Thank You.

Here, I pray for all those who have to toil day in, day out, weather out storms to make ends meet. I pray that you bless them with better things. I pray too that you guide me on how I can help. I want to help.

Thank You
