Thursday, July 21, 2016

21st July 2016 - Additional

Dearest LB & GY,

Just wanted to say that I am blessed and thankful or all that I have.
I am fast becoming a terrible person at work and I have a lot of biasness and reasonings based on my feelings. Please help me change those. I know you're sending me signs and reminders.

So today, I pray for mindfulness.

As always, I pray that my family and loved ones, my friends and the children are all safe, sound and healthy and that they all live long and prosperous lives.

Thank You


Thursday, July 14, 2016

16th July 2016 - 30th July 2016

Dear LB & GY,

Thank You for reminding me to count my blessings rather than my hardships. I don't think living without water for a day is that terrible. I'm so  grateful now that the water is back! :) Thank You! 

I will continue learning everyday, NOT TO COMPLAIN. My life is an awesome blessing and I am one lucky girl. Thank you for a life that has treated me and my loved ones very well. 

I pray as always that my family - both immediate and extended, my Mom, my Dad, my Grandma, my husband, my loved ones, my friends and all the children are always safe, sound and healthy and that they all live long and prosperous lives. I pray that they are always happy and everything goes smoothly for them. Thank You. 

I pray for your continuous guidance and blessings in helping me become a better person - kinder, more compassionate, more patient, more understanding, more inspiring, one who thinks good, does good and feels good always. I pray for your guidance in blessing me with wisdom and clarity in making the best and rightest decisions for all of my endeavours and stay true to myself. I pray for your guidance in helping me stay focused, be at peace and calm, stay positive and have unwavering faith always. Thank You. 

I pray for the old men and old women peddling the streets here. I pray that they will find joy and better lives. I pray for your guidance in helping me understand where I stand in my role here in the bigger scheme of things. 

Thank You


Thursday, July 7, 2016

8th July 2016 - 15th July 2016

Dearest LB & GY,

I am so thankful for a smooth sailing weather day during the move. And even more thankful for this new apartment. Thank you. I am so blessed.

I am thankful, and grateful indeed for a life that has treated me and my loved ones very well. I am thankful for all the love and opportunities. I am thankful for the food on my table, clothes on my back and roof over my head. I am thankful for all that comes my way. I am a lucky and blessed child. Life is great indeed. Thank You.

I pray as always that my family - both immediate and extended, my loved ones, my friends, my Mom, my Dad, my husband, my Grandma, all the children are always safe, sound and healthy and that they all live long and prosperous lives. I pray that they are always happy and their journeys smooth sailing and full of love. Thank You.

I pray for your continuous guidance in helping me become a better person - kinder, more compassionate, more patient, more understanding, more inspiring, one who thinks good, does good and feels good always. I pray for your guidance in helping me gain courage and wisdom in making the best and rightest decisions for all of my endeavours. I pray for your blessings in helping me stay focused, be at peace and calm, stay positive and have unwavering faith always. Thank You.

I pray for all those peddling the streets in the rain will find joy and a better life for themselves and I pray for them to be blessed with tenacity and unwavering faith too.

Thank You


Friday, July 1, 2016

1st July 2016 - 7th July 2016

Dearest LB & GY,

Today, today I pray that my move is going to be smooth and full of awesomeness tomorrow. I know I am so blessed to have a roof over my head and I am not complaining about that. I'm just doing the "aargh" because it is really cumbersome, but I wanna stay positive about it. Please bless me. I am grateful. I really am.

I pray as always that my family - both immediate and extended, my Mom, my Dad, my Grandma, my husband, my loved ones, my friends and all the children are always safe, sound and healthy and that they all live long and prosperous lives. I pray that they are always happy and their journeys always smooth sailing. Thank you.

I pray for your continuous blessings and guidance in helping me become a better person - kinder, more compassionate, more patient, more inspiring, more understanding, one who thinks good, does good and feels good always. I pray for your guidance in blessing me with faith, courage, tenacity, wisdom and strength in making the best and rightest decisions for all of my endeavours and stay true to myself. I pray for your guidance in helping me stay focused, be at peace and calm, stay positive and have unwavering faith always. Thank You.

I pray that all the old ladies and men peddling the streets in this rain, will be blessed with better lives. Please bless them.

Thank You
