Tuesday, February 18, 2014

20th February 2014 - 24th February 2014

Dearest LB & GY,

Wow. Talk about I need to think straight.

I know, I know lately I am obsessed with the kids and the soya milk business. I'm desperate to the point of being lost..

I'm not even concentrating on my work and that's bad.

I need your guidance, Mr. B. Please guide me. With the calm, the clarity, the wisdom to take the correct steps, the best steps moving forwards. Thank you.

I really need your guidance, Mr. B. Help guide me with the wisdom and the smarts to handle the kids, to help the kids. I know I am being very attached and emotional with them. I am not even sure what I am doing is right. So, please guide me.

As always, I pray for my family - both extended and immediate, my husband, my loved ones, my friends and all those in need. Please bless them and let them be safe, sound and healthy and let them all live long and prosperous lives. They are everything to me. I miss them. Please bless them with happiness. Thank you.

I have been very tardy with my prayers lately, and that is because I seem to have no time to do things. Like I said, I need the guidance, please guide me to think properly, clearly, with great clarity and wisdom. Please, Mr. B.

Over and above that, I am very thankful for all the help you had provided to me and all of my prayers which you had heard and answered. I am thankful for a life that is full of great abundances for myself, and all of my loved ones. I am really very thankful. I am thankful everyday. For the big things and for the small things. I really am.

I think right now, I just need to find the peace, calm, clarity and focus to move forwards properly and correctly. Courageously and tenaciously. I need to be smart. Please guide me and bless me with the smarts. Thank you.

Please do also bless all the needy people. I can't help them always, but I can say a prayer for them all.

Thank you.

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