Thursday, May 26, 2016

27th May 2016 - 2nd June 2016

Dearest LB & GY,

Sometimes, I find myself losing my balance a bit. And almost feel as if I am doing things for the wrong reasons.

Please guide me back to the path of compassion, guide me to become a better person - kinder, more compassionate, more understanding, more inspiring, one who does good, feel good and think good always. Please guide me and help me gain clarity, wisdom and courage in making the best decisions for all of my endeavours and stay true to myself. Please help me stay focused, be at peace and calm, stay positive and have unwavering faith. Thank You.

I pray as always that my family - both immediate and extended, my loved ones, my Mom, my Dad, my husband, my Grandma, all my friends and all the children are always safe, sound and healthy and that they all live long and prosperous lives. I pray that they are always happy and their journey smooth sailing always. Thank You.

I pray for all those facing something negative - I pray that they find peace and please bless them with tenacity and unwavering faith. Thank You.

I am thankful. I am super, super thankful for all that I have and all that I've been granted. Please guide me to share and love and be kinder to those who need.

Thank You


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