Sunday, May 3, 2015

6th May 2015 - 12th May 2015

Dearest LB & GY,

I am very, very, very thankful for the trip we had over the short weekend break. I am thankful for a husband who is perfect in every single way. How I got so lucky, I don't know. Thank You.

I am thankful for a life that has treated me and my loved ones very well. I am so very thankful for a life filled with love and joy, great experiences and adventures. I think there isn't any "need" you know, in my life. Sure, there are more wants. Maybe something I should learn to do without. But my life is absolutely great. For that, in that, I am thankful. Do guide me to continue sharing all of my blessings with people who need them. Thank You.

I am a little lost - seems I am always a little lost. But I really don't know what to do with the children. I can't see myself making a difference nor an impact in their lives. And it all feels a little...... unreal and my fire is fizzing out. LB & GY, please guide me back. Please guide me back on my commitment to help these kids help themselves towards a better future. Please teach me what I should do. Thank You.

I pray, as always, for continued blessing upon my family - both immediate and extended, my Mom, my Dad, my Grandma, my husband, my loved ones, my friends, the children. Please keep them safe, sound and healthy always and let them all live long and prosperous lives. I pray that they are always happy and their journey smooth and filled with love and joy. Thank You.

Please continue guiding me to be a better person - remind me. Guide me to have the right thought, right heart and right actions. Guide me to make sound decisions from wisdom and clarity and to stay true to myself. Guide me on the path of courage, strength and tenacity. Please bless me and guide me to have unwavering faith, to have peace and calm mind and to stay positive always. Thank You.

I also would like to say a prayer for all who are faced with tragedies at the moment. Please help them find strength and courage to face the dark and let them find the shining light as soon as possible.

Thank You


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