Monday, April 25, 2011

25th April 2011 - Additional

Dearest LB & GY,

I am feeling homesick. I am not sure why.
I miss my parents, my grandmas, my family.
I am worried about my Dad too. Is age really catching up with him?

I wouldn't say I had a bad meeting earlier with Sofitel.
I wouldn't say it was particularly enthusiastic either.
I am trying to stay positive about it all.
And most of all, I believe that it will all work out.
I know you are answering my prayers. Always.

I am praying in addition - for the health, longevity and prosperity of my family - both immediate and extended. I miss them very much and I want them to be happy, happy, happy always.

I pray too for the project with Sofitel to take off smoothly, with an absolute blast and is a fantastically huge success. Please bless my prayers for this.

There are days where I question why I am so far away from my family. I can't watch and be entertained by the antics of my parents, I can't go back to my hometown whenever I wish. I know I made the choice to earn my money here. And I know my family is in full support of me. I need to stay positive, I know that. I need to stay positive and I need to strive ahead.

Please, LB & GY. Please answer my prayers - as you always do.

Thank you.


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