Monday, October 10, 2011

11th October 2011

Dearest LB & GY,

Please allow me to speak my mind today.
I am finding every ounce in me to keep my faith, to have unwavering faith.
But it's rather hard when we pray so hard for good news and we end up with unfavourable news.
I have not seen my husband wanting a job this much.
And I so wanted him to have it.
And now, he has no plans and I am trying to stay positive for the both of us. And it's hard because I don't even know what are his plans. What is in store for us?
I have made wrong decisions in the past and I'm just praying that we can start new and fresh with better clarity and wisdom.
I want my husband to be encouraged. To find renewed passion, to find renewed strength, to be reinspired.

What can I do to make our lives better? I am not complaining but it feels like we're in a vicious rut cycle. I want us to get out of it. I had believed and I had stayed positive for the past 10 months now. It hasn't been easy. Give me a sign. Any sign.

I am not angry. I am frustrated. I don't want to be. I want to be happy, I want to be inspired, I want to be positive and I want to see the glass as full.

I pray for your blessings and guidance. I pray so hard that something good happens for us. I pray so hard that we get the big break we have been waiting for. And we get it soon. We are trying to make plans but I don't even know where to start and what we should do.

Please guide me. Please guide us.

I am sad. I am sad for my husband because he seems so down-trodden. I pray he stays positive. I do not want him to feel pressured. LB & GY, please, I pray and I sincerely pray for that big break. I need that chance to make things right again. With your guidance, please. See that we get through this and excel tremendously.

Thank you.


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