Sunday, May 15, 2011

16th May 2011

Dearest LB & GY,

I had another good run in the gym today. I take it that the difference between my Sunday run and my Monday run is because Sundays, I am outdoors and the humidity is making me feel lethargic and short of breath. Nevertheless, good training session. I am thankful. Yet again.

I am thankful for all of my prayers that have been answered, not just for myself but for my loved ones too. I am thankful for the food on the table, clothes on my back and roofs over my head. I am thankful for a healthy body, mind and soul in which I can think, feel and love. I am thankful for the abundance of money in my bank accounts and my purse. I am thankful for the endless opportunities that keep coming my way. I am thankful for all the love that constantly surrounds me from my family, husband and friends. I am thankful for all of life's greatest moments and experiences in which I get to share, enjoy and learn from. I am a blessed and lucky child. Life is great indeed.

I start again with my prayers for my family - both immediate and extended - for them to be safe, sound and healthy always and that they live a long and prosperous life. I wish that they are always happy and enjoy all of life's greatest moments and experiences. Thank you.

I pray for my husband's career to be smooth sailing always and that he finds financial rewards and career advancement within this month. I wish that he continues to be happy and passionate about his work and that he be recognized for his creativity, talents, skills and experiences. Thank you.

I pray for all of my businesses - TWP, SP, LFC, MR, NS and JFT - to flourish financially and grow successfully within this year and that all the projects under each individual businesses are planned perfectly, implemented successfully and executed beautifully thus further boosting businesses for all. I especially pray for the successes of Sofitel project, SP launch and LFC launch. I also pray that we close the deal for the M and H&S projects. I wish for all the different partners that I work with to continuously strive to work cohesively as a team and support one another always, unquestioningly. I also wish that we reap the financial rewards of our efforts and passion within this year. Thank you.

I pray for the children at the orphanage to always be surrounded by love, joy and happiness and that they enjoy all of life's great moments and adventures. I also wish for them to grow up to be wonderful and inspiring people. Thank you.

I pray for your continuous guidance in helping me become a better person - kinder, more compassionate, more patient, more understanding, more inspiring, one who think good, do good, feel good always and I also pray for your blessings and guidance in helping me gain the wisdom to find the answers and signs to make the right and best decisions for all my endeavours. I pray too for your guidance and blessings in helping me stay focused, be at peace and calm always, stay positive and keep the faith always. Thank you.

I pray for the world to be a better place and for humankind to be a kinder and more compassionate race everyday to give the world more joy and love.

Thank you.


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