Sunday, December 26, 2010

27th December 2010

Dear LB & GY,

Thank you for yet another great day :) Thank you for a great run this morning - for the physically ability that I have to run, swim, walk, cycle...... for the eyes I have to read and see, for the ears I have to listen and hear, for the brains I have to think and feel....... Thank you for the abundance of good food in which I get to eat, cook, serve, buy....... Thank you for all the money I have in my bank account and in my purse and for the ability to continuously share this wealth with the less fortunate...... Thank you for keeping me constantly surrounded and enveloped in love - from my family, my husband, my friends..... Thank you for the endless opportunities presented to me in my career and my personal life to achieve all that I dream of.... Thank you thank you thank you! Life is good :)

I start as usual, with my prayer for the safety, health and well-being of my Ah Por, Por Por, my parents, my brother, my husband and my entire extended family. May they always be safe and sound, away from harm's way.

I pray for my husband's work to always be smooth-sailing for all the numerous projects and campaigns that he manages and that everything will go right for him. I pray that his efforts and labour will bear fruit and he will reap the rewards very soon.

I pray for my project with Nagaworld to be a successfully smooth-sailing one and that the successful planning and implementation of the project will boost the wedding business I have here in Cambodia and present us with endless opportunities of growing the business.

I pray for your continued guidance to help me be a better person - always with positive thoughts, one who is also kinder, more compassionate and more patient.

I pray too for my friends to have a great year ahead and that the year promises one that is exciting and full of satisfaction.

I pray for the kids at the orphanage that I have come to adore dearly - may they find joy and happiness and their lives filled with lots and lots of love. Everyone deserves to be loved.

Thank you


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