Monday, December 27, 2010

28th December 2010

Dear LB & GY,

Wow..... today was cold in the pool, but I had a fantastic swim! Thank you for a great swim! Thank you for the ride on my bike to and fro safely. Thank you for all the great food that I get to choose to eat, to cook. Thank you for the abundance of money in my bank account and my purse. Thank you for a physically fit and healthy body - with eyes to read and see, ears to listen and hear, brains to think and feel and the rest of it all for me to do whatever I want and to live my dreams. Thank you for the abundance of opportunities that had been handed out to me all these while, be it in my personal life or my career or my business. Thank you for good friends that I have around me. Thank you for keeping my entire family and loved ones safe and sound and healthy. Most of all, thank you for all the love that I am constantly surrounded in. I am grateful just to be alive!

As always, I will start of with my prayers for the safety, health and well-being of my Ah Por, Por Por, my parents, my brother, my husband and my entire extended family. Please keep them safe, sound, healthy and away from harm or hurt.

I pray for my husband to reap the rewards from his efforts and passion at work soon and that all the numerous projects and campaigns that he is managing will sail smoothly and that it will open doors and doors of opportunities for him to advance in his career.

I pray for my project with Nagaworld to take off smoothly, and that the successful implementation of the project will boost the wedding business that I have here in Cambodia and deliver to me an abundance of opportunities to grow the business. I pray too that LF's first store will be a success indeed and we will further growth of the business successfully.

I pray as well, for your continued guidance in helping me become a better person, with good thoughts, with positive thoughts, who is kinder and more compassionate and definitely more patient. I am thankful for all the blessings and I hope that people around me will find joy in my company too.

I pray for the children at the orphanage. I pray for them to find joy and happiness and that their lives will always and constantly be surrounded by love - just as I have been.

Thank you


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